About Thrale Almshouse

The Thrale Almshouse and Relief in Need Charity is a registered charity in England and Wales; Charity Number: 225709. It is also a registered company called Thrale Almshouse and Relief in Need Charity Trustee Ltd; Company Number - 07960096

This year it has been accepted by the HCA as a registered Social Housing Provider; number - 4814

Thrale has six Trustee Directors who meet bi-monthly to conduct the business of the Charity. They set and oversee its strategic directions and ethos and create and implement its Business Plan; set and monitor spending via budgets and ensure it works within agreed policies, procedures, regulatory requirements and legal and best practice guidelines.

The charity has recently appointed a Managing Agent, 'Housing for Women' who are based in Brixton, to manage the day to day business of its redeveloped almshouse site on Polworth Road, Streatham.

There is an executive worker, Jennifer Rogers, who supports the Trustee Directors

Our Vision

‘We have a vision of local communities that are resilient and sustainable; creating good places in which to live and grow older’

Our Mission

Our mission is to use our resources to help improve the lives of people in the ancient parish of Streatham  (APS).

Lambeth Tech Aid

We will do this by:

  • - Being a leading provider of almshouse accommodation for older women.
  • - Awarding our Relief in Need (RIN) resources to the wider community.
  • - Creating opportunities to enable people to live independently and with dignity
  • - Working to alleviate isolation and support those who are vulnerable
  • - Building on the Thrale tradition of supporting women
  • - Becoming an active voice in shaping positive attitudes towards older people.

We value:

The right of everyone to live with dignity and as far as possible independently

The right of everyone to have a decent home

The importance of local community in enriching peoples’ lives.

Communities with respect for and integration of older people